DMCA policy

Although Wordts makes every effort to offer top-notch service, there are some situations that are out of our control. Your use of our Services is entirely your responsibility. You agree that our Services are provided “as is” and “as available” without any express or specific purpose. Including any content uploaded or shared by users on the Services Wordts also makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, or error-free nature of our Services.. A warranty or representation not expressed in this sentence is not provided, by any advice or information obtained from Wordts or through the Services.

The website (“Website” or “Service”) and any of its related products and services (collectively, “Services”) are covered by this Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy (“Policy”). Which describes how the website operator (“Operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) responds to complaints of copyright infringement and how you (“you” or “your”) may file a complaint.

We place the highest priority on the protection of intellectual property. We expect our users and their authorised agents to do the same. As per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998. The wording of which can be read on the website of the U.S. Copyright Office, it is our policy to promptly respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement. The DMCA policy generator was used to produce this DMCA policy.

What to take into account before filing a copyright complaint

Please note that you may want to speak with an attorney before filing a notification with us. If you are unsure whether the content you are reporting is indeed infringing.

In order to comply with the DMCA, you must include personal information in the copyright infringement notification. Use an agent to report infringing material if you are worried about the privacy of your personal information.

Notifications of infringement

The DMCA complaint process is the beginning of a predetermined legal procedure. We’ll check your complaint to make sure it’s accurate, true, and comprehensive. In response, we might take down or restrict access to allegedly unlawful content.

In the event that a Notification of alleged infringement prompts us to delete or restrict access to materials or terminate an account. We shall use reasonable efforts to notify the affected user of such removal or restriction of access.

This Policy’s procedure does not restrict our ability to use any other available legal remedies to resolve alleged infringement.

Changes and amendments

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion; to change this Policy or any of its terms pertaining to the Website and Services at any time. When we do, we’ll change the “last modified” date at the bottom of this page. Put a notice on the website’s home page, and email you to let you know. At our discretion, we may also notify you in other ways, such as using the contact details you have provided.

Unless otherwise stated, a revised version of this Policy will take effect as soon as it is posted online. Your agreement will be deemed to have been given by your continued use of the Website and Services following, the effective date of the updated Policy (or any other action indicated at that time).

Reporting a copyright issue

We invite you to get in touch with us using the information below. INcase if you would want to report any infringement-related content or activity:

This document was last updated on August 9, 2022